For Stitched Orders customers are supposed to make full advance payment.
Free Shipping within Pakistan.
Any product bought from Razab online store can be exchanged from the Online Store ONLY, provided it is unused and still has the label and tag in their original state (We do not offer exchanges unless we deliver the incorrect order or the product is faulty). This policy is applicable to local orders only.
i - For international orders, we do not offer exchanges unless we deliver the incorrect order or the product is faulty.
ii - For products on Sale we do not offer exchanges unless we deliver the incorrect order.
Exchange Policy is only liable within 14 working days after the goods are delivered.
Razab does not offer an exchange/refund policy once the order is processed. However, you are eligible for an exchange if we have delivered a wrong item to you or the one you received is faulty or damaged. In that scenario you can contact our customer services center by emailing us at or can call us at (+92) 300 4500 333 along with your order number for our customer care representative to schedule the right one for you.
You may cancel your order at any time before the order has been processed. Once the order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation via email that will contain the tracking information. As soon as the product has been shipped, our exchange policy will be applicable. Razab has the authority to cancel orders for reasons such as; the item is out of stock, pricing errors, or the credit card payment declined by the issuing financial institution.